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Results: 1

Integrated research training group (IRTG) The integrated research training group (IRTG) of the TRR 146 provides a joint structured graduate education in the area of Computational Materials Science for the graduate students and young postdocs in the TRR 146 as well as other interested candidates working in related areas. The goals of the IRTG are threefold: 1) to provide students with the interdisciplinary background required for the research activities in the TRR 146, and to prepare them for a possible career in the area of theoretical Materials Sciences 2) to ensure common standards in the education of all graduate students in the TRR 146 by means of a well structured supervision and management program, 3) to establish and strengthen links within the TRR 146 already at the level of graduate students and young postdoctoral researchers. Special emphasis is placed on promoting exchange between groups within and outside of the TRR […]