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Results: 5

Project A10 (New): Population control of multiple walker simulations via a birth/death process Conventional Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are generally unable to access the long-timescale phenomena that are common in nature. This timescale problem comes from the fact that a typical free energy landscape consists of many metastable states separated by high free energy barriers. If the barriers are much higher than the thermal energy, the system is kinetically trapped in some metastable state and barrier crossings will be rare events on the time scales that we can simulate. One strategy to alleviate this time scale problem is to employ collective variable (CV) based enhanced sampling methods such as metadynamics. A common way to improve the performance of CV-based methods is to employ multiple walkers that share a bias potential and collaboratively sample the free energy landscape. In this way, one reduces the wall-clock time for convergence and makes better […]

Project G: Central soft matter simulation platform The goals of project G in the second funding phase of the TRR 146 have been the implementation of new methods of general interest into the molecular dynamics simulation environment ESPResSo++ Guzman et al. (2019), which can be used as foundation for research projects inside the TRR 146, and the optimization of ESPResSo++ to efficiently use modern HPC resources and therefore to become performance competitive with state-of-the-art MD environments like LAMMPS. Project G has been successful integrating new simulation methods by coupling ESPResSo++ with the ScaFaCos library Hofmann et al. (2018), Arnold et al. (2013) to provide fast parallelized long-range interaction algorithm (e.g. P3M / multipolar P3M), developing and implementing a new approach for Lees-Edwards boundary conditions to provide a fast parallel implementation of shear boundary conditions. The performance optimization of the ESPResSo++ environment included to change the memory layout to benefit from […]

Project B4: Equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes in open systems via adaptive resolution simulations Computational soft matter constitutes a major application area for simulations, with extraordinary conceptual and practical relevance. Due to the systems’ intrinsic complexity, a considerable effort in this area has focused on investigating somewhat idealised models, e.g., consisting of a few essential molecular species in explicit or implicit solvent. In reality, even the simplest experimentally relevant systems, such as (bio)macromolecules in aqueous mixtures and nanochannels, are far more complex, involving many interacting species, evolving under open-boundary and non-equilibrium conditions. Increasing the complexity and detail of the computational model for these systems poses a significant challenge. Indeed, the interplay of interactions and processes spanning a wide range of length and time scales requires a multiscale approach, including methods resolving quantum, classical, coarse-grained and continuum degrees of resolution. However, it is often the case that a high-resolution method is only […]